If you are using a router in your home network it is very important to keep your firmware updated. Firmware is software which is embedded into your router’s hardware. Since a majority of people own Linksys wired or wireless routers, I will show the steps on Linksys WRT54GS. Depending upon the brand of router you own the steps will vary but the process is basically the same.
Before proceeding your going to want to determine what version of firmware you are running and then go to the manufacturers website and download the latest version available. Store the new firmware update in an easy to access location on your hard drive.First you need to log into your router. Open a web browser and type in and hit enter. You will need to enter in your user name and password. Which brings up another great point, change the default password on your router otherwise a hacker will have a field day with your network
Now that you are in your Linksys Router you will be able to see which Firmware Version you are running. Choose the Administration tab. In the Administration section you can change the password for your router. You can also see the Firmware Upgrade sub menu. Click on this for the firmware upgrade.
In this window just browse to the location where you stored the new version of the firmware then click the Upgrade button.
That’s it! Your done! Upgrading the firmware adds additional stability, features and security to the router.